The Last Thing I Searched for Online

Daily writing prompt
What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it?

I should say WordPress, mind your own business. Tend to your overgrown garden. Malt your own whiskey.

I’m researching more amphibians, insects, wildlife in general along with trying to find pictures of various plants. I’m conducting home based research into certain ecological systems at the moment, which sounds interesting but it isn’t that interesting.

I’m also upgrading my frog keeping this week, as I’ll be purchasing some poison dart frogs. You may remember my venture into amphibian keeping last year with the red eye tree frogs. Well, I’m getting more. They are a little expensive to set up but the long-term maintenance and care is really quite affordable.

Although the feature image at the top of the page is not mine, it is the colour I will be purchasing. Who thought caring for these could be so much fun. Snakes, were good, they still are, but amphibians do have more personality to them, if you can call it that.

World Lizard Day

Welcome. It’s World Lizard Day which means a celebration of yet another fantastic species in the Animal Kingdom!

Did you know there are more than 5,000 species of lizard and they are on every continent except Antarctica? Chameleons and geckos camouflage themselves so they cannot be seen, they are invisible to us humans and predators. Many lizards can also release their tails, known as autonomy, to distract predators while they escape. A frilled-neck lizard fools its predators by making itself look large and scary. Komodo dragons are the only lizards known to hunt humans! These are large creatures which I’m sure you’ve seen at the zoo and you should not get close to them.

I’m going to feature the Agamid lizards!

The Agamidae family consists of more than 300 species across six subfamilies. This includes a large variety of Agamas, and the very popular beard dragons, water dragons, and uromastyx, or spiny-tailed lizards. There are also tree lizards, sailfin lizards, butterfly lizards and more.

My setup is almost complete

My vivarium arrived today in a massive box that I could sleep in. The vivarium was only 18x18x24” (45x45x60cm). I had my plants and soil etc ready to go in.

Vivarium surprisingly came with an artificial background.
You can see the plants in the tank. The light is the UVB above.

The tank has a mesh top ideal for placing a UVB above. I am using Arcadia 7% UVB shade dweller. I am using bioactive soil for frogs, with a base layer or drainage layer of small stones. Separated by a thin sheet of something I cannot remember the name of! I think I should have added more stones to the drainage layer… There is also plenty of moss which will help keep it humid, and some very broad leaves mixed in the soil, which will help with feeding the clean up crew which has yet to arrive. The clean up crew are things like springtails and woodlice which will enrich the soil by digesting waste material. A self cleaning tank.

Humidity is key with tree frogs, the red eye tree frogs in particular, coming from central America/south America. I do have more vine plants coming which will allow them to rest high up. I actually ordered this tank when I realised that the 30x30x30cm tank I already ordered would be too small. I was right, it was quite small but ideal for my juvenile tarantula. New Tarantula called Frank courtesy of my cousin, thanks!

So, since the weather seems to be warming a little, being above 7 celcius today, I think the frogs will be delivered on Thursday as expected. I ordered 2 remember, although the tank I have could easily house 4.


EDIT: I phoned the supplier of said frogs today to order some more gear. Turns out too cold this week and will try next week. Oh well, gives me time to add the new items when they arrive and enough time for the clean up crew to get settled when they arrive. Hopefully the philodendron will fill the rest of the tank floor as ideally I don’t want any soil showing, since they are tree frogs it’s unlikely they will rest on the floor.

Exotic Pets ! & Why You Should Rehome!

Good morning siblings. Exotic pets… and why you should rehome an animal or adopt rather than purchase from the shop or breeder.

I’ll start off with an amazing list of exotic pets that you might be considering! Covers snakes, lizards, geckos, tortoise, invertebrate and amphibian! Exciting, Ich spreche von Tieren, ja!


Photo by Ck Lacandazo on

Royal Pythons! I have 4. All of them are great. They make excellent pets for anyone new to snake keeping. They are regarded as problem feeders, but that can be corrected. One of mine went around 4 months without food, then she suddenly started eating again. Although, she was breeding at the time. Worth the purchase. Large, heavy bodied getting to around 4ft on average. Children friendly. There are so many morphs now it is like an ice cream market! Not kidding, and it makes the breeders a fair penny. Always purchase from a reputable store or breeder. Never leave a snake unattended (obvious reasons).

Photo by Alexander Dummer on

Chameleons! An old world type of lizard! Famous for changing colours, their long tongue, their all seeing eyes! Beautiful to observe and I imagine even more interesting to keep as pets. I’d love to indulge my reptile obsession by owning one. Varieties abound. Love to climb and spend most of their time above ground, an arboreal species. Watch that tail curl up like a spring. Not what you might think of when someone says lizard.

Photo by Jimmy Chan on

Leopard geckos. An extremely popular gecko and excellent for beginners. Hardy creatures from the drier regions of earth. Eating live crickets and such. One of the few species with eyelids… and a permanent smile. Lovely to handle, really great for nervous owners or children. If you want a gecko that is interested in you as much as you are in them, this is up there. Of course, others include tokay geckos, day geckos, crested geckos etc. Personally, I would like to start keeping a few. Comes in a variety of colours or morphs.

Photo by Ludvig Hedenborg on

Ah, the meditative calm of the tortoise. A docile species to keep. Need relatively large amounts of space and high heat, along with a vegetarian diet. Easy to observe, probably not the kind of animal you want to handle, simply because you can’t exactly bond with a shell. Some live for over a hundred years. Others grow to humungous sizes! Smaller varieties would be better for me, like the Hermann tortoise which wouldn’t be too large. These should be kept in open top or well ventilated tanks. They can get stuck on their backs so beware especially if housing multiple tortoise together.

See the source image
Mexican red knee tarantula

One of the most recognisable species of tarantula. A great beginner pet for newbies. Slow moving and reluctant to bite. They are venomous like all tarantulas, but nothing more than a bee sting. Can shoot hairs out of their rumps. They like to burrow occasionally and are for the most part docile. Can also opt for a chilean rose or pink toe for a starter. Invertebrate does extend to things like praying mantis and other insects. I chose tarantulas as they scare a lot of people. Try holding a *******goliath birdeater like I did. Big difference in size. Another species I want to collect at some point.

Photo by Alann Bobe on

It’s a famous red eye tree frog. Native to hot and humid enviroments. Great to keep in groups, great to handle, and has a tendency to jump right on you. I had the pleasure of holding a few when they jumped out of the habitat through glass onto me at a restaraunt in Animal Kingdom. You can’t silence the truth. I would like to have a small group to go in this imaginary reptile room I am planning.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

I love birds. I love observing them. They are so intelligent. You can have more relaxing afternoons sitting watching birds than anything else. More ancient than reptiles, and more like dinosaurs then most lizards. Cockatoo will be a fiesty animal and I believe they can talk. To be honest most animals can talk nowadays, one time this cow told me to moooooove. Owls would be a stretch to keep, although, the smaller barn owls are so friendly. I used to encounter them frequently on my night travels.

Photo by Lone Jensen on

There are more fish species than I can count. There are so many famous examples that are used in tv and movies, like piranhas! Or, maybe a fish called Wanda? Any type of fish, including sharks (a fish) are kept as pets. People even keep octopus. Now imagine they have enough money to buy a giant aquarium, jellyfish anyone? Fish can be cold water, exotic or whatever else. Most eat fairly straightforward diets. More specialised species will need proper maintained care. You’d be surprises to find the price of some of this, when all I have to doo is nip to the local fish ‘n chip shop for a £4 cod. The colours and variety really is endless, that’s why its’ important to keep the sea clean from waste, because that is killing the great barrier reef and destroying the home of this lot.

Photo by Pixabay on

If you are lucky enough to see one at your local zoo, consider yourself lucky. People do actually keep these as pets, and although they start off small and manageable, they turn into huge 15-20ft creatures. Remember Roger Moore in Live and Let Die? What about Captain Hook in Peter Pan? Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? Another species that has earned a reputation through movies and no fault of its own. I would agree a risk exists in keeping them, but after watching numerous videos of handlers and owners stroking their heads and feeding them chicken from the hand, I do believe domestication is possible.


I mentioned at the start, thanks for making it this far, that I would talk about adoption and rehoming over store or breeder purchased exotic pets. Just like domestic animals such as the cat or dog, exotic pets too need homes. Usually, what happens is someone goes and buy a reticulated python and 2 years later, realises that the 10ft snake is still growing and can’t handle it. Or maybe, someone just bred a shed load or snake or lizard and now wants to offload that to a rescue sanctuary. Do you see what the issues are? It’s not all clear cut. Sometimes you might have no choice to give away a pet to the rescue place, because you could be dying and have nobody else to leave them to, or you could be on the brink of homelessness or bankruptcy or both. Those are extreme circumstances.

I don’t consider things like ‘I can’t take my pet to my new home’ or ‘we don’t really give them the attention they need anymore’, to be an adequate reason to fob animals off to overwhelmed sanctuaries. Thanks to independent keepers taking on a lot of sick and neglected animals, there is hope, they usually work with the species and find a way to move them onto a forever home.

The main issue lay with breeding and mass production. Ball pythons are bred to such an extent that there really is no excuse to continue to do it, be left with excess snakes and try to pawn them off to people who may not be in it for the long run. Just as puppy breeders are in it for the money in a lot of cases, the animals ultimately suffer at the hands of negligent owners, as such the animal is usually in a poor state, because all breeders or shops care about is money (for the most part). Once the animal had shipped, the breeder or shop usually dissolves any further care or responsibility.

Going back to the reptile problem. People get into a species, maybe a huge boa constrictor, tegu and a few snapping turtles. They own them and breed them for years. Until one day, the boa constrictor ‘suddenly changes temperament’ or ‘ the tegu just became impossible to handle.’ Again pretty poor excuses.

We can’t stop the mass reproduction of animals. But, we can stop funding it. That’s why taking in a rehabilitated animal, by adopting or rehoming is better. You don’t fund the problem, you aid in assisting the recovery of the problem by supporting the sanctuaries and allowing them to continue their great work. Also, like humans, animals suffer from health issues. Nobody goes out of their way to care for them like they would a human, which makes rehoming even more important. The animals you get are just as good as fresh produced ones. In fact, I would argue that animals for adoption for the most part are in better health than their mass produced friends in that basement.

Just some food for thought. As the saying goes, a puppy is for life, not just for Christmas. When making a decision to buy an animal, consider if you can acquire it another way which might support animals welfare services.